VISA Creator Program Launches in Support of Creatives
A brave new initiative was launched by VISA to help the creative branch with their small business through NFTs – Non-fungible tokens. Anyone from any background in music, filmmaking, fashion, and other creative businesses will be able to partake in the VISA Creator Program.
The program will be subdivided into different cycles, and each step will be providing support to a different group of novice and up-and-coming entrepreneurs. VISA will then provide support to these groups, helping them by furthering their education on NFTs and its rising ecosystem.
VISA believes that the future of the crafts and arts industries will be facilitated by NFts; Cuy Sheffield commented that “NFTs have the potential to become a powerful accelerator for the creator economy,”. VISA furthered their statement by claiming that they have had time studying and experimenting with NFT networks, resulting in arising potential for both users and the company itself.
According to the payment provider, the VISA Creator Program also aims to help small businesses by bridging their firms to the opportunities of digital commerce roads. Businesses will be able to build their frameworks trough these tokens, but also allow VISA's own clients to get significate exposure to NFTs and their benefits.
2021's financial industry was marked by the rise of NFTs, and alongside this rise huge firms and companies moved to adapt their business practices around these changes.