Massive Call Center Investment Scam Busted by Lithuanian and Latvian Authorities
A joint force led by the Latvian Ste Police and the Lithuanian Police successfully busted a multi-million euro scammer broker call center. Europol provided concrete details on the bust, stating that 180 people were detained for their connection to the scam.
Hundreds of police officers were involved in the case from both nations, with the end result being a successful raid on a total of three fraudulent call centers. The operation span over 2 days, on March 24th through the 25th.
The scheme itself was a common investment scam. The broker's reps were offering high returns to investors for deposits made into the fake platform. More than 3 million euros were stolen per month using this simple technique. Non-Europeans were no speared; across the world thousands fell victims to the scam.
In Latvia the authorities arrested 80 people, while 28 were detained in Lithuania. Along with the people arrested were confiscated cash, bank accounts, high-cost vehicles, and some 95 000 euros in cryptocurrencies.
Europol also spearheaded the operation; the European Financial and Economic Crime Centre supported the investigation throughout by mediating Lithuanian and Latvian forces. Europol also provided help with creating a strategy that eventfully led to the arrests.
Further details about the busts and any further investigation is yet to be released.